Specification of procedures

We would like attention that our guests who use only the procedures of the Spa house PERLA have to enter the reception at least 20 minutes and to enter the BALNEO at least 5 minutes before the beginning of the first procedure in order to arrange it and not to be shortened of this procedure.


Taping method was invented in the 70th of the last century by the Japanese chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase. It is a procedure that uses tape of cotton, attached to the skin using usually the resin as an adhesive. The tape is washable and hypo-allergenic and elastic. Taping has many roles such as to support the ligaments and capsules of unstable joints by limiting excessive or abnormal anatomical movement. Taping does not restrict in normal movement and does not result to muscle atrophy. In addition, it helps relax the soft tissues (skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia), regulate blood circulation and muscle tension, relieves the pain.

Taping is used:

pain in the spine, joints, tendons and muscles
as part of the recovery and rehabilitation after injury or surgery
treatment and prevention of edema (lymfotaping)
to correct scars, hematomas
as a mechanical correction


injury or disease of the skin
varicose veins
allergic reaction to the tape
Before the application of the tape the skin must be degreased and shaved if needed!

Natural healing source

Iodobromine bath

It is the most effective procedure of balneology, which cures vascular diseases, helps in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, neurological, gynecological and skin diseases - improves healing, promotes anti-inflammatory effects. Iodine is absorbed by inhalation and skin and mucous membranes during the treatment. The overall effect is significant - the bath regulates the thyroid gland and stimulates the nerve and hormonal system. It shows the control of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine system. Iodobromine bath has excellent effects not only for cure but also preventive, restorative and rejuvenating. The bath is prepared as the total bath at 37°C. The temperature can be reduced after the obligated medical examination

Iodobromine whirlpool bath for upper or lower limbs

Iodobromine whirlpool bath helps to cure diseases of locomotive apparatus, neurological, gynecological and skin diseases. It improves healing and anti-inflammatory effects. It has an excellent effects also as preventive care, restoration and rejuvenation. The bath is prepared for the upper and lower limbs at 37°C. The temperature can be reduced after the obligated medical examination.


Individual exercise training

Individual exercise training is focused on the correct practicing exercises for relaxing and strenghtening joints and muscles. It helps to reduce the pain.

Exercise training in pool

It is an exercise under the supervision of a physiotherapist, which helps to improve joint mobility and proper practicing of your body. The water temperature has also great therapeutical effect.


Hydromassage bath with oil essence

It is a supportive treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, but also relaxing after a physically and mentally exhausting work. The positive effects of hydrotherapy are caused by a water pressure, its temperature and targeted jet. The hydromassage is lowering activity of inner organs, reducing stress, relieving depression and anxiety. The aim is short-term and long-term relief from pain and increase of joint mobility and immunity. Water temperature is 37°C.

Pearl bath

Skin is massaged by small micro-bubbles, which enable better blood circulation and overall relaxation. It has refreshing, soothing and calming effect on the whole body - improved breathing and blood circulation, soothe the heart, release overloaded and painful muscles, ligaments and tissues. Water temperature is 37°C.

Pearl bath with herbs

You can choose from four kinds of herbal ingredients: scrub pine, mint, lavender, lemongrass. Skin is massaged by small micro-bubbles, which enable better blood circulation and overall relaxation. The bath in combination with herbs affects migraine and headaches. Bubble bath with herbs has antiseptic and refreshing effects, improves concentration and lowers stress. Water temperature is 37°C.

Herbal bath with essence                                                               

Bath has positive effects particularly at the musculoskeletal system, relieves muscle tension, has painkilling effect. Bath enriched with scents and essences of herbs affects the human psyche and brings a good feelings. We provide:
Lavender salt - a relaxing bath, which brings the total physical and mental relaxation, it is suitable for insomnia, migraines and headaches Eucalyptus salt - a relaxing bath when cold or as a prevention of colds, brings an overall feeling of calm and relaxation Bath temperature is 37°C.

Pearl cannabis bath - NEW

Bath has positive effects particularly at the musculoskeletal system, relieves muscle tension, has painkilling effect. It has excellent effect on skin problems - psoriasis, eczema, acne, skin allergies, dry skin, cellulite and stretch marks. Bath temperature is 37°C.

Regenerative peat bath

The bath is made of specially prepared bath peat. It has a positive effect on the whole body due to organo-mineral substances. It brings a sense of renewal and purification, and energy. It also helps in acne, arthritis, eczema, light skin inflammations, rheumatism, muscle cramps.
Bath temperature is 37°C.

Kneipp bath

The bath relaxes and regenerates and warm up the stiff muscles and limbs. The herbal bath uses special salts of the Kneipp brand, which contain valuable essential oils from medicinal plants and natural oils pressed cold. Bath temperature is 37°C

Anti - stress bath
Bath contains mandarin and grapefruit extract. It helps to regain balance after stress, it contributes to inner harmony and balance.  Bath temperature is 37°C.
Bath of queen Kleopatra
The relaxing bath with the addition of rare oils, essences and sea salts hydrates and nourishes the skin and brings perfect mental and physical relaxation. Bath temperature is 37°C.

Champagne bath

The alcohol-free champagne extract is a wonderful extract needed for skin and hair. With anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, it eliminates free radicals, protects basic units of the skin (collagen fibers), provides vital energy and tension of the skin.
Bath temperature is 37°C.

Reflex and ligaments massage

In a reflex massage, the physiotherapist aims to eliminate changes caused by reflexes. It is performed on bare skin without using massage oils, made by slow and light pressing. It increases circulation, reduces muscle tension and reduces pain, too.

Soft tissue techniques

Physiotherapist loosens soft tissue, which positively affects the nerve endings.



Ultrasound is a type of sound therapy. Contact medium is placed on the treated part a and the therapist is slowly applying the head over the painful area. The time and intensity of the application is adjustable. It is most often used for joint and vertebrate problems.
Consultation with a doctor necessary.

Manual lymphodrainage

Manual lymphodrainage is performed on the upper or lower limbs with slow gentle circular movements. The procedure is recommended especially at edematous limbs and after surgery for health reasons, and for cosmetic reasons with feelings of "tired feet" or in treating cellulite. The lymph is easy flowing. Massage increases immunity, supports body detoxification, relaxes and reduces tiredness.

Machine lymphodrainage

The principle relies on the gradual inflation of separate chambers in a tube worn on the limb in accordance with the programme required. The aim of lyphodrainage is to improve the flow of lymph. Suitable for treating tired limbs (leading to quicker regeneration after physical stresses, hiking, sports), as a basic treatment for cellulite (orange-peel skin) and skin in general, recommended to increase immunity, detoxicate the body and prevent wrinkles. The therapy increases condition by 10 to 15% and is thus suitable for top sportsmean and women.


Classic body massage partial, extended or total

Massage improves blood circulation in the massaged area, absorption of swellings and hematomas, improves nutrition of tissues, relieves pain, stimulates slowed circulation, removes fatigue and muscle tension. Massage has positive effect on distant organs and overall on the body. In addition it has relaxing, soothing and toning effect. Special nonirritating massage emulsions or oils are used. Contraindication for total massage is varicose veins.

Under water body massage partial, extended or total

Underwater massage is performed by a water jet on the upper limbs, lower limbs or back. The blood circulation significantly increases in the massaged muscles; muscular fatigue is reduced, as well as psychical fatigue. It is suitable after injuries and operations of the musculoskeletal system, rheumatic and degenerative joint disease of the nervous (lumboischiadic syndrome, paralysis), muscle pain and atrophy, chronic constipation. Contraindications for total massages are varicose veins. The water temperature is 37°C.


Aroma massage partial, extended or total

Aroma massage combines the positive effects of classical massage with the effects of etheric and aromatic oils for warming up of tissue and washing away waste products. Volatile aromatic oil has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, activates or stabilizes the psyche, and best relaxes the body and mind. Massage strengthens immunity of organism, relieves strain and stress, and harmonizes the physical and mental processes of the body. It works as prevention, but also for acute conditions. Contraindications for total massages are varicose veins.

Wine aroma massage

Grape seeds are a real source of strength. The antioxidant Procanidin contained in them absorbs free radicals fifty times more strongly than vitamin E and significantly more strongly than vitamin C. They strengthen the skin very effectively.
Hawaiian massage partial, extended or total

Hawaiian massage

is focused on physical, emotional and mental tranquility and is considered the top of massages. It uses smooth, soft and deep techniques that are performed by using only the fingers and palms, but especially forearms and elbows. The rhythmic strokes on the client’s body are a basic part of massage, while using harmonic music. Massage eliminates muscle tension, improves motor skills, relieves muscle pain, stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic system, detoxifies and enhances the feeling of stillness and peace. Contraindications for total massages are varicose veins.

Lava stone massage partial, enlarged, total

Special lava stones, which accumulate heat, are, used for this massage. At the same time, some anions metals, are being released to enable regeneration of tissues. Lava stones have extremely strong energy vibration, which is, used for releasing the blocked points important for energy flow in our body. Aromatic oils are, used for enhancing the effect of total relaxation. Massage stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic system, gradually warms the whole body, detoxifies and relaxes body and mind. It removes stress, tension and fatigue.

Hemp foot massage - NEW

Hemp foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also gives you a chance to check out your feet so you can get a jump on treating blisters, bunions, corns, and toenail problems. Cannabis oil is without any psychotropic substances.

Tibetan massage with bags of salt

This is the excellent procedure for people working in an office. It relieves joint pain, back and neck pain. It is also used to reduce cellulite and eliminate toxins from the body. Intensive drainage of liquids is one of massage effects - salt of a bag passes through the fabric and makes peeling of skin, purifies the body, smooths the skin. Himalayan salt contains magnetic stones that keep the bags hot and warm up the body. It is suitable for both men and women. The treatment takes 60 minutes.


Thai oil massage

This is an alternative relaxing and therapeutic method that affects the meridians (energy traces in the body). The whole body is rubbed by systematic pressure from the crown of the head through the neck, spine, back muscles, as well as arms and legs including fingers. Massage has a great effect on the vascular, blood and lymphatic system, reduces swelling, freezing of tissues, helps boosting bowel immunity. Procedure brings total physical and mental relaxation. It takes 80 minutes.

Golden massage (by golden oil)

Golden massage uses effects of the Classic massage and effects of gold . Rich compound is intended for exclusive full body stimulating massage. It is warming up a tissue, washing away waste products. Golden oil provides the skin with oxygenation and detoxifies and regenerates it. Gold also stimulates the metabolism, protects cellular DNA and helps vitalize the body, activates the electrons in skin cells and stimulates growth of skin cells. The skin is glittering after treatment. Preparations have incredible rejuvenating effect. The varicose veins are the contraindication for total massage.

Thai foot massage

Thai Foot massage works on similar principles as Reflexology covering the feet and the lower leg. It involves hands on massage and stretching techniques. It has a very relaxing effect and has a positive effect on the psyche and stress relief.

Indian Head Massage

Is a 4000 year old technique for comfort and effective removal of stress; also called anti-stress massage. Massage is performed as a gentle treatment of the head, neck and shoulder on a special kneel-chair. Soothing and relaxing method enables head neck and shoulders relaxation and brings restful sleep. The aim of this massage is total relaxing and good feeling.

Foot reflexology massage

This relaxing massage is primarily used for releasing energy lines and revitalization of organs. It is performed by pressing reflex points located in the foot. The method is performed in the sole and instep of the foot (the foot displays the whole body). Pressing and smoothing of points affects the muscles, joints and internal organs.

Hemp oil massage

Hemp oil will completely treat your skin - it removes aged cells and nourishes the skin. At the same time, due to the anti-rheumatic effect of the oil and the combination with the subsequent pack, the muscles and joints become warm and it thereby relieves pain.

Massage with hot wax

The massage is performed with a special aromatic wax candles. Massage nourishes and softens the skin and provides aromatic experience with relaxing the body thanks to the wonderful smell. There are 4 sorts of candles relating to elements (earth, fire, water, air). The basic material of candles is shea butter, almond oil, coconut oil, and natural flavoring. Massage activates individual muscle groups, releases blood circulation and eliminates muscular tension. Hot wax aromatherapy massage has a great impact on the the patient psyche.


Electrotherapy II.

Diadynamics, Interferential Currents, TENS - Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, Trabert's Currents

Magnet therapy

The procedure uses the therapeutic effects of magnets. The contact of high frequency energy deep into the tissue dilates blood vessels, increases immunity and has analgesic effects and relaxing effect on the striated muscles. The function of some organs is improved by the direct warming up. It is convenient after trauma, surgery, acute lumbago and helps in the pain treatment and inflammation.


Aerosol individual inhalation uses mineral water to improve the function of the airway mucosa, it eases expectoration and has an anti-inflammatory effect.



Laser-scanner is convenient primarily for faster recovery of the treated tissue and faster healing of wounds. It works on local heating and stimulating of tissue, relieves pain and improves the metabolism in tissues and cells, which make the healing process faster.

Solar meadow

Solar meadow can be used only by client with healthy skin. It is convenient to start with a shorter time of radiance, and gradually extend it, max once a day, it is not allowed to combine with real sun sunbathing. Contraindications: tetracycline antibiotics, diuretics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, chemotherapeutics, sulfasalazine, topical corticosteroids, condition after vaccination, diabetics, acute inflammatory and infectious skin diseases, when eye injury, after laser eye surgery, thyroid hyperfunction, fever, ischemic heart disease and high blood pressure, Herpes, erythema after burns.


Peat wrap and double peat wrap ( peloid)

A bag of warm peat is applied to the appropriate part of the body causing a slow transfer of heat into the body utilizing peats heat accumulation. Peat wrap is used to treat chronic rheumatic conditions, muscle contractures, and pain in the joints and spine.


Cloths soaked in paraffin at a temperature of 56-60 ° C are applied to the painful area. The soaking relieves pain and relaxes the muscles. It causes better blood circulation, reduces joint pain, and has a positive relaxing effect. It is used in spine and limb joints. Not recommended for osteoporosis.

Honey wrap

Honey has antibacterial, detoxifying and relaxing effects. A honey wrap is full of minerals, vitamins B, C, D, E and flavonoids to regenerate your body. A honey wrap is ideal for stimulating the body burdened by stress and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Oxygen Therapy

It is a regenerative oxygen cure, which helps the overall regeneration of the body, moderating the physical and mental aging process. It positively affects the mental condition significantly reduces sense of stress, increases immunity, improves energy of the body, reducing harmful effect of poor ecological conditions. Oxygen therapy effectively protects against migraine and stress and removes fatigue and sleeplessness. It positively affects the body, high blood pressure, diabetes, varicose ulcers, cardiac arrhythmia after heart attacks and other diseases.

Dry carbon bath

It is a whole body bath in a special plastic bag that is filled with pure carbon dioxide. Due to vessels and capillaries dilation, the blood circulation is improved as well as elasticity of red blood cells. This increases the production of cell sugar, improves blood circulation of the brain, heart muscle, limb, decreases blood pressure and edema. Dry carbon bath has a positive effect on musculoskeletal and nervous diseases, osteoporosis, varicose veins, diabetes. It improves healing of scars and has a positive effect on the cellulite skin.

Insufflation of carbon dioxide into the subcutaneous tissue

Applied carbon dioxide has an anesthetic effect, improves blood circulation in cold limbs, supports the vascular system, heart and affects the endocrine glands.



Saharan wind

Saharan wind presents an essential sort of treatment and prevention of chronic diseases. Very hot wraps gradually warm up the affected area and cause a local hyperemia and quick metabolism. This procedure uses the healing effects of Ghassoul clay, which was used by the ancient Romans for healing of various skin diseases and for skin care. Ghassoul contains a large amount of minerals such as magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc, which has a favorable effect on the skin. Ghassoul soothes and disinfects the skin and together with the scent of jasmine acts antidepressively. Jasmin El Fell creates a protective film on the skin, making it smooth and hydrated.

Full body seaweed wrap

Seaweed contains a high percentage of magnesium, potassium, bromide and other important minerals and trace elements, which have a calming effect on the whole body. Minerals of the mud restore cellular metabolism and regenerate the skin structure. The minerals penetrating into the body through the skin are balanced, seaweed improves skin condition and removes toxins. It has a relaxing effect.

Dead Sea Body Care

Dead Sea Body Care is salt-free and contains crushed seashells, which deeply cleanses the skin. It removes dead skin cells and cleans and softens the skin which becomes soft and light. This care stimulates cell renewal, helps the skin to "breathe", and increases the ability of absorption. It contains Laminaria Digitata - marine extracts - that nourishes, brightens up and freshen the skin and activates blood circulation. Crushed shells - OSTREA - help peel off dead skin cells.


This full-body treatment uses natural cosmetics from the AFRODITA brand. It is suitable for nourishing and turning off the skin. Contains vitamins and detoxifies.

Chocolate body mask

regenerates, softens the body and nourishes it.

Ritual of queen Kleopatra

Whole body treatment with rare exotic oils with deeply nourishing and rejuvenating effects. This procedure uses a peeling with sea salt and oil, a body mask made of seaweed.
Elderberry body mask
Elderberry flowers and leaves are highly regenerative and help with painful arthritis. Elderberry mask provides the body with the necessary vitamins, smoothes wrinkles and restores skin elasticity.

Stimulation care hand of foot
It brings a feeling of immediate relief and rest. Regenerative hand treatment is designed to relieve and relieve pain in sore joints, to eliminate swelling.
Sea weed detox cure
They significantly improve the health condition. The treatment is suitable for blood circulation and stimulation of the lymphatic system and flushing out toxic substances from the body.
Regeneration antistress wrap – whole body
For health condition and induces a feeling of deep relaxation. At the same time, there is an intensive revitalization and regeneration of the skin.
Salt wrap with energy balm
Using salt crystals, it gently removes the surface layer of dead cells through the epidermis.
The skin is cleansed, smooth and firm to the touch.
Flake rejuvenation (body wrap and treatment)
Deep hydration, regeneration and toning of the skin with the use of luxury cosmetics Gernétic. The treatment strengthens and smoothes the skin of the whole body and supplies it with the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The procedure is also suitable for atopics.
Oasis of peace (for woman and also man)
A gentle peeling revitalizes the skin and induces pleasant relaxation. Dead Sea mud detoxification wrap removes muscle tension and is especially suitable for allergy sufferers and atopics.
Anti – age skin treatment GERnétic
This treatment begins with cleansing the skin. The care products penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin and loosen clogged pores and remove impurities. After cleansing the skin, a golden Peel Off Anti Age mask with a lifting effect is applied. After that followed by a skin treatment with a final cream with seaweed extracts.
Brightening skin treatment GERnétic
The care products penetrate to the deepest layers of the skin and loosen clogged pores and remove impurities.
After cleaning followed by manual lymphatic drainage of the face and application of the Peel Off Eclaircissant, which contains mulberry extract, cone root and grape juice. Your skin will be hydrated, soft and radiant.

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